Wednesday 21 October 2015

Types of Microphones

Lapel Microphone: A lapel microphone is a small microphone that is clipped on to actors or a presensters cloths. This is an example of an omnidirectional microphone; a type of microphone that can record sound from all angles of it.

Shotgun Microphone:A shotgun microphone is a microphone that has to be pointed directly at whatever the source of sound is its trying to record. These are mainly used on sets to record extarnal sound. To stop background noise from being picked up a wind gag is put over it.

Standard kit needed to record sound:
- Audio recorder e.g. Zoom 4HN
- Microphone e.g. Shotgun Microphone
- Headphones
- XCR wires
- Boom Pole (when recording with a shotgun microphone)

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