Tuesday 6 October 2015


Diegetic Sound:
Sound that's source is shown on screen e.g dialogue or sound effects.
Non-Diegetic Sound:
Sound were the source is not visbale on the screen and doesn't show action e.g background music

Non-Simultaneous Sound:
Diegetic sound that came earlier or later than the image.

When the voice that is heard whilst the character is not actualy speaking. It is mainly used for flashbacks in films.

Sound Bridge:
Where the sound from one scene carrys on over to the next scene briefly before the sound from the next scene starts. Its also where the sound from the next scene can brieflt be heard at the end of the current scene before the image apears on the screen. Sound bridges is a common transition in the continuity editing style. It shows the connection between both scenes.

Pleonastic Sound:
Pleonastic sound is sound that is exaggerated. For example the light sabers being waved about in Star Wars.

Contrapuntal Sound:
Sound that doesnt match the images its accompanying. This can be disorientating to the audience and and make then wonder what their watching.

Silence can be used to create suspence in films, depending on the style of film.

Microphone placement:
This is where the microphones are put on a set or on a person. There are three basic mic placements which are boom, plant and lavaliere. Boom is where the microphone is attached to a pole called a boompole and is suspended infront the subject. This allows movement from the actors. A plant is where any type of microphone is fixed in place. this is mainly used when it is impracticle to use a boom. Where the microphone is placed is important as they only pick up sound withi it's range. Lavaliere's are tiny mics worn by actors wither inside or outside their clothing. these are mainly used for interviews as they can be placed closed to the seakers mouth and it doesn't nessaccarly have to be hidden.

This is how loud or quite the audio that is recording is.

Phantom Power:
This is a DC voltage which is sent through the microphone cable to power the microphone. This is used in mist audio equipment.

Sync Sound Recording:
This is the sound which is recorded at the same time as the image is being filmed.

Foley Sound:
This provides filmakers with tiny, everyday sounds which mics often miss. This can range from the rustling of cloths to a person walking.
This is what the characters say. This can be in a conversation between two or more people.

Sound Effects:
This is the sound that is added to an action to make it more realistic. For instance a door being slammed shut, whithout the sound effect it means nothing. 


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