Tuesday 15 September 2015

Target Audiences

1) Audiences are classified by their postcode, for example if a person where to live in the country side they won't be the main target audience of a film that is based in a big city. Another way audiences are classified would be by their age, an example of this would be any children's film as they are aimed at children and therefore adults aren't expected to be interested in it. Also, gender is a way that audiences are classified, for instance action movies such as transformers. The cast used in films like this are mainly male, therefore they would expect a male target audience. Sexual orientation can also be used to classify an audience.

The target audience for the film Interstellar, would be aged between around 16 and 50, this is because the film is quite futuristic which people over the age of 50 might not be interested in. The films is aimed at a both male and female audience. this is because the have a very strong male and female cast. the location of the people this film is aimed at could be anywhere as the film is not set in a specific place.

2)The language used in the film is formal, everyone in the film is very well spoken which shows that the film is set in the future. The genre of the film is Sci-Fi, this means that the film is quite serious. The beginning of the film is quite light and which is reflected by the colours used, this changes around a quarter of the way through the film when it gets a lot darker which they have also shown using colours.

3) The film we mad was a horror it was aimed at ages 15 - 40, this is because it is a horror film so 15 is the age were it all actually will be enjoyable and most people over the age of 40 aren't interested in horrors. The film is also aimed at both genders as a variety of characters were used. The soundtrack in the film is fast pace and dark, which makes it feel scary.

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