Wednesday 16 September 2015


3 point lighting is used in films and tv. The 3 lights use are called a backlight , a fill and a key. The Key light is the main light source, to the side of the subject, for the focus of the shot. The Fill light is placed on the other side of the Key Light and is used to reduce the shadows on the subject produced by the Key Light. The backlight is behind the subject of the shot, this is used to seperate the subject and the background.

High Key & Low Key Lighting:
High Key Lighting is where the lights are placed on top of the set, this gives the scene consistant lighting. This would maily be used in sitcoms and or anything with little drama. Low Key Lighting is where the lights are placed below the subject, this will show more shadows and creates drama in the scene. this would be used in crime films and dramas.

Other Lighting:
Sometimes when the lighting on a set can leave shadows on objects that arn't wanted or theres a certain part of the set that needs more light, to solve this problem a reflector can be used. A reflector is a shiny piece of material which is placed at a certain angle to the lights to bonce the light back to cover the unwanted shadows and dark parts. Light filters are used to change the mood the light gives off. For instance you could use an orange filter to make the scene look warming and happier.

Lighting for Green Screens:
To light a green screen properly the screen needs to be as smooth as possible so there are no wrinkles in it. The light over the green screen needs to be soft and even across the whole surface, also there can't be any shadows from the subject infront. This is to make sure that when it comes to editing there are no shadows left on the background.

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