Monday 2 November 2015


The ISO measures the sensitivity of the camera, the higher it is the higher the sensitivity of the camera. If the ISO is too high it can make the image grainy, as it makes the light particles in the image larger.

The aperture is the hole in the lense, it gets bigger and smaller to let light in.The f stop level represents how wide the hole is. The higher the number, then the smaller the whole is as the light is restricted.

Shutter Speed
The higher the shutter speed the darker the photo/film is. Shutter speed is measured from 30 - 4000.

This is the bloches of colour or variation in brightness which mostly appear in shadows or across even areas of tone. The high the noise in an image the lower the detail of the image.

Depth of Field 
A camera can oly focus it's lens on a single point, on the image there will stilll be an area infront of and behind the focus which will appear sharp. this is called Depth of field.

Motion Blur
This is the streaking left behind a rapidly moving object in an image. This happens when the object in the shot moves position while the photo is being taken. It can also be cause by long exposure

White Balance
White balance is used to remove unrealistic colour cast from an image. This is so that if an object is white in person it is white on the image.

This controlls how blury the image is. If the subject is in focus it will be clear and stand out from the background around it. If it is out of focus it will be blury and won't stand out.

A tripod is used to balance the camera so that the footage is still. This makes footage look more proffesional. A tripod can also help you film different types of shots to a better standard for instance low angle and high angle shots.


This is the way a shot is composed and the way the subjects and objects in the shot are surrounded by the perimetre of the film image.

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